CCFL Boston Fives Flag Football Rules
Changes for the 2018 season will be implemented prior to the start of the first game after the Captains votes are all counted
Game Time is Forfeit Time – NO GRACE PERIOD
Minimum 4 players to start a game
Registered League players may be substitutes with opposing captain’s approval to start games.
- CONTACT IS ALLOWED – Open hand contact allowed between shoulder and waist
- The Home Team or in some cases a coin toss determines first possession Team can elect to have offense, defense, defer, or direction. Choice in the 2nd half will be awarded to the team that did not have 1st half election.
- The offensive team takes possession of the ball at their 10-yard line and has four plays to cross mid-field. Once a team crosses mid-field they have four plays to get a second first down to the opponents 10-yard line (redzone). They then have three plays to score a touchdown. If the offense fails to score, the ball changes possession. The ball will be placed at the spot of the last play. Interceptions will be spotted at the end of the play. However, if the interception occurs within the 10-yard line and the endzone, the next drive will start from the 10-yard line.
- Each time the ball is spotted the offensive team has 30 seconds to snap the ball. (Officials will warn the offense when there are 10 seconds left to snap the ball). Teams must wait until the referees are set or a referee acknowledges they are prepared to start the play. The game clock will always be running with the exception of the last minute of the second half when it will be a “Pro-Clock” with stoppage. All dead ball penalties in the last minute of the game stops the clock. Two 20 minute halves and a 2-minute halftime.
- Each touchdown is worth 6 points
· Extra points are automatically rewarded 1 point or a team can elect to go for 2 points from the 10-yard line. Extra points can be returned for 2 and offensive holding after an interception will automatically reward the defense 2 points.
Time Outs
- Each team has three 30 second timeouts per game that can be used at any time during the game. If a time out is called after a TD the clock will not run until the change of possession and the offense snaps their ball.
- Players that rush the quarterback must be a minimum of 7 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. There is a 2 yard halo rule from lining up on the center
- Only one run play is allowed per zone during an offensive team’s drive to score.
· All offensive players may run the ball at any time once a ball is exchanged from the original player under center – the QB, except in the 5-yard no-run zones.
**Rule Change: A QB that is directly snapped the ball can run the ball if a defender rushes and crosses the line of scrimmage. The QB must cross the LOS before the 5-second pass clock expires. This run will count at one of the team’s run plays in the zone. - No stiff arming allowed – considered flag guarding.
- No run zones are located 5 yards before mid-field , 5 yards before the redzone and 5 yards before the endzone. You may not run the ball in the no run zone. Only forward passes are allowed.
· A pass that is caught and does not break the line of scrimmage is considered a screen pass. All screen passes are Run plays and will be counted as such. - Teams may handoff, pitch, or throw back the football in the backfield. The player who receives the pitch or handoff may throw the ball as long as he is not beyond the line of scrimmage. Pitching (backward) is allowed.
- A forward pass does not have to cross the line of scrimmage to be a legal play.
- Ball is spotted where the flag is pulled. The lead flag, ball and hips of the player in possession of the ball must break the plane of zone lines to be considered a first down or TD. The ball has to cross.
- There is a 5 second count to pass the ball that is timed by the referee. The ball must be released from the fingertips within the expiration of 5 seconds.
- Interceptions may be returned.
· The rusher may not hit the quarterbacks’ arm, or knock the ball out of the quarterbacks’ hand. The rusher must always play the flags. Any contact with the ball and then the QB will automatically be assessed a 15-yard roughing the QB penalty.
- All players are eligible to receive a pass, including the quarterback, if the ball has been pitched back or handed off behind the line of scrimmage. Players must have at least one foot in bounds when making a catch. Players that run out of bounds during a play cannot be the first player to touch a ball when attempting to make a catch.
The offensive player’s flag is pulled. Ball carrier steps out of bounds, touchdown is scored, an incomplete pass and/or anytime the ball hits the ground. If a player loses a flag unintentionally, the defense only has to touch the ball carrier, not pull the flag. This also applies to a player who catches the ball and is on the ground and attempts to make a football play to advance the ball (NFL rule). Players may not start a play without a flag.
- Offside-Illegal Rush. Pass interference /Face Guarding with contact (must play/look at ball).
- Holding * Note the officials will determine incidental contact which may result from normal run of play.
- Roughing the quarterback – the rusher may not knock the ball out of the quarterback’s hand or bump into them.
- Excessive contact – even if the defender is making a play on the ball. If the official feels it was intentional or with intent to harm the player will be ejected from the game and may be removed from the tournament.
- All defensive penalties are 10 yards from the line of scrimmage and automatic first down except holding – spot foul, pass interference – 15 yards from LOS and Roughing the QB, Major 15 yards – Minor 10 yards.
- Pre-Snap Penalties – these are not a loss of down. Illegal motion /False Start/ delay of game/ illegal equipment violation – a player may not start a play without flags
- Flag guarding (players must keep their hands above their waist). Charging (the offensive player must avoid the defender if they are set).
- Delay of game (all delay of game penalties stop the clock). Pass interference (illegal pick, pushing off defender).
- Excessive contact – If the official feels it was intentional or with intent to harm the player will be ejected from game.
- All off penalties are ten yards from the line of scrimmage and loss of down except flag guarding which is a spot foul and the pre-snap penalties mentioned above.
- Trash talking will not be tolerated. The official has the right to determine language that is offensive. (Trash talking is language that may be considered offensive to the official, opposing team, or spectators). The official may eject players from the game for trash talking.
- If the official witnesses any act of tackling, elbowing, cheap shots, or any other sportsmanlike act, the game will be stopped and the player will be ejected from the game.
Defensive pass interference is a spot foul and will result in an automatic 1st down.
Intentional delay of game by any defensive player, team member, or fan will result in an unsportsmanlike 15 yard penalty, automatic 1st down and the clock will stop until the offensive team snaps the ball (30 second play clock still applies).
- The Home team or in some cases a coin flip determines first possession. Teams will have 4 plays to score from the 20 yard line. There will be no first downs.
· Each team has one possession in overtime during the regular season. During the playoffs or double elimination, there will be a maximum of 3 attempts of overtime before a team is forced to go for a 2-point conversion.
· Determination of possession will be Home Team, then Away Team or Higher Seed, then lower seed for each Overtime. If score is still tied both teams will have one play from the 20 yard line to gain as much yardage as possible. Team with the most yardage will win. An additional coin toss determines who goes first.
· An additional timeout will be given to each team for each overtime.
- Players may not have pockets and may not tape pockets in any way. Only professionally sewn or zippers are fine.
- It is the responsibility of all players to wear a protective mouthpiece, and are available for purchase during games.
- Only Sonic Flags are allowed and may not be altered in any way. Or CCFL SKLZ 1st and Ten flags. Each team must wear the exact same style flag during their game.
- If someone scores with pockets the result will be loss of down and five yard penalty from the original line of scrimmage.
- Same color shirts are mandatory – you do not need numbers or matching logos, you only need the same color shirt.
- Referees reserve the right to negate touchdowns or remove players from the game if they are not following our uniform rules.